i meet people where they are

and help them paddle their own boats.

in their careers and their lives.

online or in-person.

Contact me for coaching, workshops, webinars, and more.



executive coach

leadership coach

Paddle Your Own Boat - ​available on Amazon

Pocket-sized strategies to ​help you paddle.

Click above to go to Cristine’s YouTube ​channel for short videos with free coaching ​strategies filmed from the cockpit of her ​kayak

With Cristine's unwavering support, I ​managed to secure a new position at ​another startup within a mere two ​weeks of being let go. The work we did ​together extended far beyond resume ​reviews and interview preparations. She ​helped me heal and transform into the ​next version of myself that was desperately ​seeking to emerge.

I have now been a part of my new team for ​over a year, and I have already been ​promoted twice, earning more than ​double my previous salary. Furthermore, I ​have achieved a work-life balance that ​surpasses any I have experienced in the ​past, all while maintaining my integrity. ​Regardless of where you find yourself on ​your own journey, you will not be led ​astray by Cristine Saxon."

~ Sarah


Certified Leadership Coach